I have been working on the design of a good high performance board for small/medium waves for many years. In the 90’s the boards were super thin and a little bit longer. In the 2000’s they began to get smaller to look for a more progressive surfing. The idea of this model was to look for speed, looseness, and to allow you to maintain a line that keep the flow. This is how this design was created. It has been used by several surfers and all of them agreed with the idea for which it was designed.
The original measurements are 5.10 x 18.3 x 2.2 x 24.1 lt. and I have projected them in other dimensions for various free surfers and pro surfers. The tail is rounded squash, it has low and smooth rails, a single concave one foot from the nose which turns into a triple deep concave 1/3 from the tail; low/medium entry and exit rocker. A lot of work on the outline… years of work.
1001 is a super recommended board as a your everyday board. A fast, loose and fluid board. Perfect for progressive and power surfing maneuvers on small and medium waves. Our rider Rafael Mosquera flies –literally- with a 5’8 board.